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CPL off-season rumour tracker

With the CPL off-season underway since late October, signings & roster news have already been announced by every club, with some rumours also beginning to circulate...

In this article, we'll recap all the rumours from this off-season so far.


– CPL to keep the same play-off format for 2024? OneSoccer commentator Adam Jenkins mentioned on the OneSoccer Today show that the plan is to keep the same play-off format for the 2024 season.

– José Escalante in discussions with Valour: We reported a few days ago that the Honduran was in dicussions with Valour after his loan with Motagua ended earlier than expected. Northern Tribune then reported that Pacific was also interested in the player. We're hearing that despite the interest from the Tridents, Valour remains Escalante's most likely and preferred destination.

– Manny Aparicio set to leave Pacific after 3 seasons, has interest from the Whitecaps, Toronto, Halifax, Cavalry & Ottawa: Manny Aparicio is set to leave the 2021 CPL champs after 3 years with the club, as we reported about a week ago. The Argentine/Canadian midfielder prefers a move to MLS, but would likely stay in the CPL (just not with Pacific) should he not sign with an MLS club. Wanderers Notebook first reported Halifax' interest.

– Pacific set to exercise Sean Young's option for the 2024 season: We're hearing that Pacific is set to exercise Sean Young's contract option for the 2024 season. The midfielder was rumoured to be getting interest from MLS sides earlier in the season, though, unless an offer comes, it appears he'll stay with the Tridents for at least 1 more year.

Amer Didic and Kekuta Manneh set to depart Pacific: We're hearing that defender Amer Didic and forward Kekuta Manneh are to set to leave the Tridents.

Article to be updated as more rumours pop up.

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